Blessing & Curse

Another great project with Ordinary Folk for The Bible Project. I had the honor of art directing and designing this project. It was great to collaborate with my fellow designer Avikali Lomavatu on the painterly style, and how we could use vivid and colorful brushstroke elements to describe scenes of "blessing." In contrast, we landed on a dark, dull, sharp look to describe "curse" scenes. Our amazing animation team executed our vision of the brushstrokes in motion. You can find more information and BTS on Behance.


Produced by The Bible Project

Jorge R. Canedo E.

Creative Direction


Stefan Green

Grace Pedersen

Art Direction

Greg Stewart

Animation Direction

Avikali Lomavatu, Grace Pedersen, Lorena G.


Manuel Neto, Victor Silva, Greg Stewart, Paul Slemmer, José Pena, Daniel Duncan, Ricardo Drehmer, Jorge R. Canedo E., Thiago Steka, Lennon Valinhas, Mona Fani


Tim Mackie, Jon Collins

Head of Story

Robert Perez

Creative Direction

Patrick G. Ramos


Reed Harvey

Sound Design

